Friday, July 16, 2010 poem

My heart is racing
Adrenaline is pumping
My tear ducts are filling
My body is burning
My heart is aching
I'm scared
I may say I'm alright but clearly I'm not
I may say I'm cool but evidently my body has another story to tell
I'm losing weight
Not that necessary weight that all females want to lose for all the right reasons
You know tis the season for the summer body but my body is going through it
I'm eating one meal a day not knowing what the darkness might bring
I close my eyes to sleep and I start dreaming of false hopes
Anger fills my chest as I expell the contents of my mind and the things every crevice of it has held for years through my lips
But yet I wake up and those things remain unsaid
I hope and pray for a new day but at the end I still feel this unavoidable void
So the sadness begins to creep upon me
Wraps me in its garments of torture and softly speaks into my ears the things I avoid daily
I desire to purge this soul of mine but who can I run to when I'm simply
Fear is etched on my skin
My aura reeks of the stench and everyone can smell it upon me
My heart beats
My soul cringes
My mind races beyond the fog
Love can make you do some crazy things
Feel certain ways
Like an uncertain high where you just smoke just to see if you've reached your peak but inhale the deepest of clout
But tonight I closed my eyes
Opened my heart
The innermost chambers thereof and prayed for the first time in months
Fear is uncertainty
Being scared is the momentum of uncertainty
Prayer clears the conscience and transforms this clout into a sound thought
I'm me again


p.s. take a look at this

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